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The Healing Word

Tending Your Spirit and the Spiritual Mind



Beyond Cancer

Choice of Chemo

Divine Healing

Endometrial Survivors

Healing Foods

Herbs That Heals

Mind Consciousness

My New Life

No More Cancer Ever

Spiritual Healing

Your Healing Power

The Healing Word

Wisdom Living

The Law



Spiritual Healing


Something that weakens your mind is your most dangerous enemy that comes to steal, kill and destroy. And whatever strengthens your mind is your friend, your salvation because the mind is the architect of life. Everything in the universe was thought in material form before it became a reality because it is the mind that influences everything in life while being independent of the body. Among the numerous situations, one can be permanent healed. The mind has much greater power than any medicine through endless power given during creation of humankind. A  true believer knows and understand the importance of staying connected and guided by their higher power.

Romans 8 provides an answer about being aware of the Spirit and spiritual consciousness which energy is summon by a true spiritual and compassionate person for a genuine motive from a person who is seeking out their higher desires,  being of honest in service to others as they realize their own divinity through faith and prayer from which healing comes. Therefore, Cancer can not, and will not win when the mind, body and spirit is on one-accord or in perfect agreement.

Being aware of self has now forced an interest on self-exploration. Humanity is living in a new world, coming into awareness of his own divinity that empowers his soul and provide the structure of wisdom. He is now in search of his own personal connection with his higher power or God for incredible channels of healing and protection, which is more powerful than missiles, voltage, poison gas, or any medicine - The Mind! If your mind is healed, your body can also be healed.

Each of us have our own beliefs, pattern base on our life experiences that shaped and led us to believe what we believe. Those there be people who are more receptive and healed because they believe. Regardless, we all need God/creator being/ higher intelligence or whatever name you so choose to live. It should be clear, that there is a higher being from which all things came into being, so addressing issues on the spiritual level is necessary as it is life  in motion expressing the power of thought regardless if they are negative or positive, they will gain force and manifest externally.

Thoughts has long inform the sacred truths. Ascended spiritual masters has taught for millennia's that the mind is your reality. As a man thinks so is he... expressing life through God and beliefs.

One should never be frighten by negative words enslaved by other peoples battles. When you realize your imagination is the beginning of your creation than you will be healed according to your faith. Whatever is going on in your mind is also going on in your body; dare not  challenge all the possibility of healing. Do not be blinded others failures or as to what is, and what is not. All things are possible because there's Divine forces or God's intelligence all over the universe working; in these forces, you have your being. To the creator you are more than a speck of dust measured against the scale of reality-healing is everywhere and we have a spiritual obligation to make our lives by planting seeds in our mind, and using our bodies, to carryout and fulfill our harvest. There is a healing force within each of us, and by using our own words, and positive thoughts, we can actually channel healing energies and have positive results.

The spirit, energy, God mind,  moves through our being and where God moves, power moves. Where God is, power is. When the power of God is present, healing, deliverance will happen. He has promise; Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper.” John 1:2. Our Father, Creator, God , Universal Mind, desires for us to know Him. Delight yourself in God’s word and meditate on it daily.  Life is about choices and every choice, come with consequences, so carefully follow the terms of this covenant, so that you may prosper not just in good health, but in everything you do. Deuteronomy 29:9. Begin to cleanse your mind of superstitions, resentments, jealousies and do not allow or be influence by negative thoughts; replace them with love for God is Love. To maintain love is a daily obligation but it will keep you in tune with your infinite source-God powers, which  will continue to manifest through you-everything exit in the unseen before it became a reality.  So, it is true, that that all that is unseen is very real while what we see is unreal…things that are seen are in transient and the things not seen are eternal, everything in the universe is spirit. Your healing lies inside of you regardless of what faith you practice, it all leads to one Infinite just need to start speaking with a conscious tongue and thinking with a conscious mind and avoid the spirit of Lies, stealing, envy, jealous, unforgiving which all in time manifest as a virus or sickness.


Take care of yourself spiritually and Wisdom will come with success and "good health." Creator God knows you. “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth and health without painful toil.”  Proverbs 10:22 The lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” Psalm 34:10--Get yourself/ego out of the way and let God...!!!

When things feel uncomfortable, its for a perfect reason. Everything has a purpose and as you begin to heal, you are also evolving. and experiencing things of a different nature-keep moving forward; all is truly well and in divine order. Our Creator desires for us to all be in good health and people can live beyond sickness and cancer; their faith will make them whole...

Plant positive thoughts and go deeper - Your power will never fail you-stay connected.  As you rechannel your energy and power  you  must forget your old ways and embrace your new life. Be heal in your mind and your body will follow...make a commitment to start your day with meditation and devotion and enjoy the beauty, purity and abundance. Stay mentally clear of fears and uncertainties; control your mind and you will control your life. Worries, sadness and regrets is not healing-avoid this attitude! Psalm 51:10 create in me a pure heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Amen.

Our creator-god, created laws for all mankind and we are to obey the laws, such as: The Law of Non-Resistance one of the most ignored but very powerful laws. This law affirm that whatever you refuse to accept, will persists. Meaning, that what you dislike will become increasingly overpowering in your life. Because when you put energy into hatred and refuse to accept what you don't agree with, the unseen situations will be more dominant. Ignorance of this law will have a major impact on the others and explains why people fail to successfully benefits from other laws. Never waste your energy to fight instead use your energy to attract the things that make you be at peace, balance and joyful.

We have The Law of Forgiveness, THAT states that in order to move forward in your life you need to release the past. You can only go forward if you are not always looking backwards In realizing this one law, can bring about major changes as you can unlock the doors to new and exciting things that will flow into your life.

The Law of Sacrifice states that you will reap whatever it is your have given. In order to have increase, you must sacrifice something in return.

The Law of Obedience states Universal Laws will work with you and for you if you obey. If your acceptance to all laws, the whole coordination we are a part of works in an systematic and resourceful way. The business, etc world in our society, is established on this very principal.

The Law of Success states all things are possible. Every resource that you can imagine is accessible. If you can conceive, you can achieve. You are not limited by your past or your future.  And So It Is...

Ancient wisdom declares, “Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rom. 12:2), and “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so it is with him” (Prov. 23:7 AV). People who have practiced this way of life affirm: Thoughts held in the mind produce their kind. The key to new life understands the constructive and non-constructive nature of thought. Let us exercise our power of choice by beginning to consciously choose thoughts that, when they produce after their kind, yield a harvest of beauty, peace, love, and joy.

You are a spiritual seedling.  (Compared to our limitless spiritual potential, we all are).  Because you are, your spiritual quest must be nurtured as one would nurture any tiny plant.  Like a seedling, your growth may need sheltering from the winds of pessimism blown toward you by well-meaning (and not-so well-meaning) “friends” and from the droughts of discouragement within yourself.  It is crucial that you surround yourself as much as possible with supporters, with people who are not only happy, but eager to help you find the God within you.  

Although the inner journey is a solo one, through encouragement, motivation, inspiration, and prayer, the support of caring friends can make it easier for you to achieve your transformation.  As seedlings, we are fragile, easily swayed in any direction and easy to uproot.  The more we grow in spiritual awareness, the stronger we become and the more able to resist the events and circumstances that tend to drive us off our chosen path.  So from this moment on, our energies should be invested in our growth, in activities which are spiritual.


I am not a medical doctor; I make no medical claims on my research. This information is provided based on my personal experiences only!


I am not a medical doctor; I make no medical claims on my research. This information is provided based on my personal experiences only!

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