What are you Eating?
Now Comes The
Sacrifice Healing Foods
The human body require natural food; feed your body life and life is what you will get. Keeping the body healthy is keeping the body alive. God promise “long life” He will give you; there‘s conditions-you have to do your part. never give cancer anymore than what it has already taken from you...take control and eat to live...everything you eat now, is a investment into your health...eat well but eat healthy! Don't wait until you are forced to make the necessary choice to improve your longevity! Now, for me it was a Restoration after cancer, which meant I had to adjust my lifestyle because of the treatments that affected my immune system, I change my way of thinking about food and that helped me to adjust to a whole new way of learning how to eat, but first I started taking Vitamin C, B6 and vitamin E to boost my immune system.. Before my healing, I was diagnose with lymphedema. A common condition when you have lymph nodes removed. It was important to avoid salt, as not to retain any unnecessary fluid. But, I also changed my diet from eating foods that made me sick in the first place...such as meat, dairy, fried foods and sugar; these food were, and still is, very acidic and unhealthy for the body. They also causes inflammation, so I had no choice, but to change decades of bad eating if I wanted to regain and take control over my life. My new life journey is to stay healthy and never have any diseases, such as cancer, ever again. This is what I follow to stay healthy; and it has been working for me for nearly five years now. I mostly eat whole foods, plants, including a wide variety of colored vegetables and fruits, also, I use variety of herbs and spices to provide my seasons and taste, with this diet, my immune system was restored. Also, I learned how to starve lymphedema by avoiding added sugars, (especially fructose), refined grains (especially grains containing gluten), and chemically modified fats. I am vegan so I eat to meats and I limit high-salt foods. I eat very little dairy a couple of days a week at the most. I am learning how important it is to maintain a Ph balance within the body. Having an acidic body creates too much acid, thereby causing diseases. We are truly what we eat. Acidic foods: Grains, sugar, certain dairy products, processed foods, meats and processed meats, sodas, sweetened beverages, high-protein foods and supplements, should be avoided as much as possible. Whole foods are best for me because most prepared foods contain added sugar, salt, soy, unhealthy fats, or undesirable additives. I avoid Fruit juices because of the sugar contents. My diet consist of a variety of different foods: vegetables with bright colors and flavors such as dark green leafy vegetables, colorful beets, corn, squash, peppers, and flavorful onions, garlic, mushrooms, and herbs. All kinds of beans and legumes such as, black beans, butter beans, chickpeas, garbanzo, great northern beans, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, peas, navy beans, pinto beans, etc. I do get a lot of my protein; My fruits: Berries (fresh or frozen): blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, grapes, kiwi fruit, mangoes, melons, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, etc. and Citrus fruits: grapefruit, orange, etc. Veggies: potatoes: smaller waxy potatoes such as new, red, purple, etc. I avoid starchy potatoes such as Russet and Idaho potatoes. I have sweet potatoes or yams. My grains (whole grains not containing gluten): amaranth, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, teff, and wild rice. My non-dairy: almond milk, coconut milk. I limit my caffeine due to the acidic in Coffee and certain teas (black, green, herbal teas is better). I enjoy unsweetened cocoa or cacao and add my own natural sweeteners such as. As snacks, I will eat unsalted nuts and seeds such as: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts. My seafood consist of: fish: tuna, wild salmon, and other seafood high in omega. And for cooking oils I use: extra-virgin olive, avocado, coconut and sesame oil. For my salads I use: condiments: chili, hot sauce, or pepper sauce, horseradish, mustard, salsa, tamari soy sauce, vinegar (white, red wine, apple cider, balsamic) and Worcestershire sauce low in sodium. When I bake homemade cookies, I use dates, raisins for sweetness• I avoid grain products containing gluten (wheat, barley or rye), breads, breakfast cereals, bulgur, cakes, cookies, couscous, crackers, cupcakes, kamut, noodles, pancakes, pasta, pies, pita, pizza, waffles, etc. Gluten-free food substitutes: breads, pasta, pizza, baked goods, etc. made with cornstarch, potato starch, rice starch, tapioca starch, etc. Sweet condiments: chutney, jams, jellies, preserves sauces, syrups, etc. I avoid sodas, soft drinks, teas and tea-based beverages, energy drinks, fruit drinks (especially 100% fruit drinks), etc.
I am not a medical doctor; I make no medical claims on my research. This information is provided based on my personal experiences only!
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