For It is The Mind That Directs The Body
The Force Is Already Within You. From your very own being, comes your power and with it, comes everything you need to continue your existence. Adopt these words that I found to be very powerful and with a deep and profound meaning: ''No illness can kill a positive thinker, and no medicine can save a negative thinker.'' UNKNOWN Mind Consciousness We have a creator and He has given us the power to heal and be heal. This power is more powerful than missiles, voltage, poison gas, or any medicine - He gave us a mind. Know that God is creation, and creation is God, who is the intelligence inside of creation, emanating from and underlying, all creation. The Creator is not an overseeing entity beyond creation, He is creation itself...but first, your mind has to be heal before your body can be healed. Your subconscious mind hears and eventually corresponds to your words and thoughts by attracting events and situations into your life according to what you have been thinking this is how sickness comes into the body. You have the power to heal yourself and transform your life by altering your thoughts and words. I "am" is two of the most powerful words there is! What you put behind them shapes your reality; use these words to heal your mind, body and spirit. Being aware of self has forced an interest on self-exploration. Man is living in a new world and coming into awareness about his now spirituality. His soul and long waited and provide the structure of wisdom, however, he failed to notice. He is now in search of his own personal divinity as once realized, not all things are seen but felt. You don't see with your eyes, you see with your mind. "Your mind creates bondage, or your mind creates liberation." Sai Baba. We have been created to enjoy and appreciate the gift of life and the opportunity to experience and express God. Thereby, you already have the power to transform your life by altering your thoughts and words-Mind Power. This energy reveal your deepest thoughts and desires. Applying positive affirmations, you are forcing your divine rights to respond and connect your consciousness, as your thoughts, that gain force and manifest. Speaking with a conscious tongue and thinking with a conscious mind, create and bring your thoughts and words into your reality. As we think upon, what we desire in our lives, we are planting ideas in Subjective Mind. This realm of Mind is receptive to our every thought and is responds impartially to every one of us. This is how Spiritual Healing happens; it is by your words and faith that heals your body. Consciously decide and let infinite energy flow through every cell in your body-you will know you are heal because you will feel it! We are all here in Earth School to learn and evolve and our greatest desires, is to have good health, wealth and happiness. But, it is those little rules we seen to have a problem with, however, we must first be in an alignment or in agreement with all, that present the good things in life we desire, such as good health, wealth and happiness; the God Mind commands us to seek first the Kingdom of God, and ,all things will be added to our life. When we are disconnected from the Divine Creator, we are severed from our true wellbeing-our Divine source or our energy (our life force), when we become separated, we experience an assortment of illnesses that manifest in endless forms. The objective of these illnesses is to help us reconnect with our Divine inner within – to point the way back to totality. Sickness comes into the body when we are out of balance or we have loss our source. Nevertheless, you can transform your life by altering your thoughts and words, but you will need to avoid words like, I Hope, I want, but I don't know; these phrases express doubts and you will need to focus on being positive; reasons is, “It is your mind that market good or ill“ by attracting events and situations into your life according to what you think. The laws of creation is undisputed and cannot be changed. You can not see this law but, it is very real, where there is physical, there is also spiritual, thereby, creating a balance in the universe. You cannot heal anything, unless you want to be healed or changed. On behave of your divine energy that only you can radiate, is already waiting…you can command sickness to leave your body and it must obey. Also, understand that you can't heal the body without healing the mind first--Mind, Body and Spirit-they are all connected-and it is the mind that produces after its on kind. Your mind is your mind is the architect to life, stronger than the body that house your energy or spirit. Everything in the universe is thought in matter and the mind influences everything in life, being, independent of the body. Among the numerous situations one can be permanent healed; the mind power is greater than any medicine. Doctors are starting to realize the connection of positive thinking vs. negative and hopeless attitudes. Thoughts has long inform the sacred truths and once masters, now ascended spiritual masters, taught for millennia's that the mind is your reality. As we all continue to excel in wisdom and knowledge, we will know that God is not in a heaven where he awaits humanity’s death to pass judgment; we all are living and expressing life through God energy, His very breath. Even so, according to our own personal faith and beliefs, we know it is the mind that comes through the endless power of God's creation regardless of what faith we practice. Nevertheless, we all are that what we chose to become...Amazing how illness changes a person, they become wiser, stronger when they are facing their own immortality. The question is, why is Humanity so sick and. manifesting all these illness and diseases. I believe it is vital that humans stay aware of life from which they came into being...A person illness will speak volume about their prayer life and personal relationship with God. Even doing some of the worst days of sickness a strong believers life can be continue to be filled with beauty, purity and abundance. Your words have a power that actually gain force and manifest.
Life was meant to live and we must stop allowing fears and uncertainties
control our life. When the body is sick, you can very easier become a victim
of worry, sadness and regrets-this
is not healing-this is a negative attitude-this is what you must
Remember to stay focus on your healing. Cancer is only going to be a
small chapter in your book, not the ending story. Keep calm and think
healing. Psalm 51:10 create in me a pure
heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Amen. Remember, “it
is the mind that market good or ill, that market sadness or happiness,
rich or poor.” The law does not know what you want; only what you
think. It is our thoughts that does the creating. Always However you so chose to communicate with the Universal God Mind, God presence, stay focus on your outcomes rather than the illness and you will win; you will never be the same. Slowly, precisely without knowing how or why, you will discover that God is real and exists for you and through you-that He is the One and only power that can and will heal you, and your very own words will come to pass...the realm of your mind will manifest your thoughts" On earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:10). It is true, that all that is unseen, is very real, and while what we see is unreal…things that are seen are in transient and the things not seen are eternal, everything in the universe is spirit and not everyone is carrying the right spirit. Avoid such spirit of Lies, stealing, envy, jealous, unforgiving, which can actually manifest as a illness. Your healing lies inside of you regardless of what faith you practice. Being part of the universal truth is all you need to live good and be healthy. Understand, you are always a student, learning, observing, assisting. Keep your mind open and your heart humble to be a service unto all, for this is our purpose and our calling; this is our truth which is within our consciousness and understanding—the solid foundation, the spirit of life. Surrender to truth, and Seek first the kingdom, the power, for it is within you and if you believe, you have already overcame this sickness-everything in the universe is possible. Gandhi once said:“ Be careful of every word so as not to inflict anything that will cause you sickness and pains or wounds that will not heal.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts
become your words, Your words become your actions, You are the Word of Creation and in you is power. Feed your Mind Positive words daily. For it is the mind that directs the body. Avoid words like, I Hope, I want, but I don't know; use the word, “I know” and be positive and passionate about the words you speak. I "Am" is two of the most powerful words in the universe. What you put behind those words will model and determine your reality. Why not proclaim ''I Am cancer free, I Am healed!''
I am not a medical doctor; I make no medical claims on my research. This information is provided based on my personal experiences only! |
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