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The Healing Word The Healing Word



Beyond Cancer

Choice of Chemo

Divine Healing

Endometrial Survivors

Healing Foods

Herbs That Heals

Mind Consciousness

My New Life

No More Cancer Ever

Spiritual Healing

Your Healing Power

The Healing Word

Wisdom Living

The Law

Divine Healing



CHEMO was The Sacrifice

The Healing is an inside job first

The Choice of Chemo

There is a lot of misconception going on about Chemo actually being the killer of cancer and not the cancer itself. There are a few patients, that end up with no real benefit from chemo treatments after surgical removal of a tumor. In short, if it was my choice being stage-one, I  would not have chosen chemo after a having a successful surgery outcome where the tumor was small and removed. However, I didn't know how chemo would later affect my body and because Chemo was the only form of orthodox cancer treatment worldwide available at the time. Chemo does come with side effects and sometimes they can linger for years. Adjustment of lifestyle is totally necessary to avoid becoming another victim to cancer and you never want to give cancer anymore than what it has already taken from you-focus on healing. accept nothing less than perfect healing; have no attitude of complaining, establish a vibration of positive and healing energy that gives reasons to more positive living - your deliberate effort will provide you with a new experience that will justify your situation from your present and into your future of health and wellness. Rather than complaining, direct your energy on having a positive and healing minds, which is vital for a complete healing. Our thoughts courts; they are the blueprint of our lives and when you live your life following the principles and laws of the universe, you will benefit the good from the universe. Though my mind,  healing can come and when you realize the power of the mind, you will understand and know that it far exceeds any medicines.

Nevertheless, this illness as others, is a interference and the dark side of Chemo is that chemotherapy does a lot more than just get rid of cancer  hair. In most cases, you can expect things to change and be different during and after your recovery. If you make changes to your diet and lifestyle and follow your medical team guidelines, your post health will greatly improve. You can feel better and experience a good life after Chemo. However, during the journey, you will have good and not so good days. This is a journey and it can and will take time to get over the effects of cancer treatments such as: bone, joint, and soft tissue, steroid medications, hormonal therapy which may cause thinning of the bones (osteoporosis, or joint pain). Immunotherapy may cause problems in the joints or muscles. These are known as rheumatologic issues. People who are not physically active may have a higher risk of these conditions so it is important that you  watch what you eat. Survivorship comes with a price. There is a your medical team might fail to tell you or you missed reading the papers that was given to you before you started  your treatment.

After all your treatments and that bell has been rung, a new life starts, such as: people who had radiation therapy or surgery to remove lymph nodes may develop lymphedema (lymph nodes are tiny, bean-shaped organs that help fight infection). Lymphedema is when lymph fluid builds up and causes swelling and pain. If you had any type of steroid medications, know that it may increase the risk of eye problems, such as clouding of the eyes; this will affect your vision. Sometimes, getting a new set of eyeglasses do very little, it will take time. Digestion problems is another effect you have to understand-chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery may affect how a person digests food. Surgery or radiation therapy to the abdominal area, can cause tissue scarring, long-term pain, and intestinal problems. Some survivors may have chronic diarrhea that reduces the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Another side effect is fatigue-a constant feeling of physical, emotional, or mental tiredness. It is the most common side effect of cancer treatment.

Not all, but, there's some cancer survivors who experience fatigue can actually last for months or even years after finishing their last treatment; in short, It can take time to get over the effects of cancer treatments, some being worth than others, such as: bone, joint, and soft tissue, steroid medications, hormonal therapy which may cause thinning of the bones (osteoporosis, or joint pain). Immunotherapy may cause problems in the joints or muscles. These are known as rheumatologic issues. People who are not physically active may have a higher risk of these conditions so it is important that you watch what you eat. There is a lot your medical term might not tell you after  treatments and the bell has been rung. I thought the pain was not real and it was in my head, but make no mistake, it  is very real. But, we pray always for one another:" Heal all who is sick. O Lord, and they will be healed; save them and they will be saved, for you are the one worthy of praise." We humbly pray for all those who are fighting cancer. Give them the hope and courage they need each day. Comfort them in their pain let your light shine through and restore every cell in their bodies and God I thank you for their healing. Amen.

Living and getting healthy after cancer, surgery, chemo and radiation, is a life commitment. I had to make the change to balanced my pH level to avoid reduced oxygenation to my cells as well as avoiding too much contaminated or toxicity within my body cells. I am dedicated and consistent with how I treat my body. I say to you who have a second change, don't wait until you are forced to make the necessary choice to improve your longevity! Job 12:7-10 “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. Ancient wisdom declares “Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rom. 12:2), and “For as a man think in his heart, so it is with him” (Prove. 23:7 AV). People who have practiced this way of life affirm: Thoughts held in the mind produce their kind. The key to new life is understanding the constructive and non-constructive nature of thought. Let us exercise our power of choice by beginning to consciously choose thoughts that will produce after their kind and yield a harvest of good health, beauty, peace.

My message is this:

When Heaven must wait because the world cannot...we continue on...because the creator of life leads us beside the still waters, where our bodies is restored! God can restore your body beyond cancer and the toxic treatments (Chemo after Effects). Being Spiritually and Physically balance is  important. It is never too late to take a spiritual approach when seeking Divine Healing for  a good and positive life experience, such as, Health and Wellness. Get inspired, have a message for any sickness in your life by repeating healing affirmations daily...tell your body how much you love it, how sorry you are for not having did a better job in taking care of it...speak to your body!  and know It is ok to speak to the illness that tried to destroy your life; I certainly did!

Fall in love with your body

Our bodies require natural food; feed your body life and life is what you will get. Keeping the body healthy is keeping the body alive. God promise “long life” He will give you; there‘s conditions, you have to do your part. Never give cancer anymore than what it has already taken from you...take control-eat to live...everything you eat now, is an investment into your well, but eat healthy! Don't wait until you are forced to make the necessary choice to improve your longevity! Now, for me it was, a Restoration after cancer, which meant, I had to adjust my lifestyle; the treatments  affected my immune system.  I had to change my way of thinking about food and fine-tune to a whole new way of learning how to eat. I started taking Vitamin C, B6 and vitamin E to boost my immune system. And I  discovered after my healing, that cancer did not make me skinny. I, as many other survivors, had to struggle to lose weight after treatments due to our immune system.

It took me a while to lose the extra weight. I change my way of eating and discovered what was good, and not good, to boost my immune system back up. I spend some time researching Elderberry. It is a good source of fiber and addresses many health concerns. Also, it is powerful in connection to weight loss; it speeds up metabolism, as well as making you feel full and it has a low-calorie count. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in elderberries, improve joint pain and soreness. Also it has been known to help people with autoimmune diseases. Elderberry is also good for osteoporosis ( loss of bone density) and it can help to promote bone strength and develops new bone tissue. it is best to use it earlier rather than later in life. It could give osteoporosis a significant setback. The anthocyanins in elderberry make them anti-carcinogenic and give them the properties to help fight cancer. studies have shown that elderberry can inhibit and delay or even reverse cancer. in Europe, elderberry plants is the one used for fighting cancer and as a potential natural cure for the disease.

More women in their effort to prevent the spread of cancer, need to be more aware that there are many types of cancers. And the sooner you are diagnose, the better change to overcome the major health challenges that women all over the world is now having to confront. It still takes a lot in terms of resources in more research, as well as, more screening for cervical and breast cancers. Women need to be annually screened to help prevent cancer and protect their health. The more cancer awareness the better...

I am not a medical doctor; I make no medical claims on my research. This information is provided based on my personal experiences only!


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